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Limitations of ABC™

Published on 27th September 2016

Revealed: What Advanced Biostructural Correction™ cannot fix

Let’s explore the boundaries of what we can and cannot do for you

Advanced Biostructural Correction™ is a truly revolutionary method of structural body correction. We fix the structural and mechanical distortions of your body which are the underlying cause of many pain syndromes and other illnesses. We described before how bones go out of place, how this causes spinal misalignments and bad posture, and how these two factors affect the nervous system due to spinal cord tension. From this basic information, we can learn several facts:

  • Structural misalignments cause faulty body mechanics. This is the underlying reason or many “wear and tear” problems such as arthritis, cartilage problems, bony spurs, joint stiffness, decreased mobility, muscular pain (as various muscles unsuccessfully try to fix the problem), back ache, headaches, and many other ailments.
  • Structural misalignments directly cause tension in the nervous system because they create tension in the spinal cord and meninges. Nerves get stretched and thinned and this can lead to decreased nerve function, tingling, numbness or hypersensitivity, nerve pain, or tremors.
  • Depending on where the meninges get stuck (e.g. along the spine or even inside the skull), this may cause headaches, migraines, problems with vision / taste / smell, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), or balance problems such as vertigo.
  • Structural distortions of the spine may cause a change to the shape of the ribcage (e.g. if the thoracic spine gets too flat or becomes hyperkyphotic, pushing the head out (forward-head carriage), or if the sternum has a change in angle. Changes to the shape of the ribcage may cause the heart and lungs to get compressed so these organs have to work harder at their job. Breathing problems and idiopathic heart issues may be the result. “Idiopathic” means the medical doctors have found the symptoms but cannot establish the cause because tests show that there is nothing wrong with the organ itself. In other words, they see that something is going on but they don’t know what’s causing it.

Many of our patients report that their breathing improves, their asthma becomes less severe or disappears altogether, that their blood pressure becomes lower (some even need to lower the dosage of their prescription medication!)

  • Misalignments further down in the spine and pelvis can similarly compress or twist the abdominal organs. Many of our patients report that their digestion improves, heartburn or IBS disappear, and menstrual cramps become less severe. If the organs don’t get compressed and have sufficient space, they can work better. Similarly, they can work better if they get the correct signals from the brain because the spinal nerves that supply them with information function correctly.

So far, so good.

If the health issue you experience is based on an underlying structural problem, we can very likely address it and improve it over time. This is a big claim, but we stand by it 100% because we have seen it time and again in our patients.

Medical research is increasingly confirming that some of the symptoms we describe above are directly based on structural distortions or adhesions in the meninges (which the medical scientists call “perineural adhesions”, from “peri” = “close to” and “neural”, “to do with nerves”). The problem is that, while doctors are becoming aware of these facts, they don’t yet know that there are manoeuvres that can easily fix the underlying cause.

Problems with which we cannot help

Even a method as radically innovative as Advanced Biostructural Correction™ has its limits. So let’s go and explore the issues that we cannot address. Basically speaking, we cannot undo changes made to the body by any of the following:

  • Missing or replaced body parts (hip / knee replacements)
  • Cancer
  • Infections
  • Fractures
  • Changes to the nerves themselves, e.g. diabetic legs, nerves severed in accidents, etc.
  • Changes to the brain itself e.g. caused by brain cancer, brain surgery, aneurysms, etc.

Let’s explore each of these points in a little more detail to explain where the limitations are:

  1. Missing or replaced body parts (e.g. knee replacements, hip replacements). We simply cannot re-grow limbs or create new joints. We see many patients with knee or hip replacements who suffer from various pains because of previous changes in their body mechanics (which oftentimes may have led to the joint replacement in the first place….), and we often address these pains successfully. But re-grow the replaced knee or hip joint, we cannot.
  2. Missing bone that has been eaten away by cancer. Again, we cannot re-grow bone once it’s gone, unfortunately. If the underlying cause of a patient’s back pain is bone cancer or some other form of cancer that has metastasised to the bones, we’re not the right place for this person. They need to see a specialist. We ask many questions at the first visit to establish whether there are any “red flags” that might cause us to think that something sinister may be behind a person’s pain. If we find anything, we will advise our patients to see their GP, get some x-rays, or see a specialist. In patients who have some form of cancer, we can oftentimes work alongside their traditional medical approach. We may need to modify certain procedures or stay clear of certain areas of the spine (if there is bone cancer), and may only get limited results in how much change we can make to the body mechanics. So we may be able to help a little with the person’s back pain or headaches and thus make some improvement to their quality of life. But cure cancer, we cannot.
  3. If there are changes to the bony structure that are caused by infections. We cannot kill bacteria or viruses with what we do. If permanent damage has been done to the body due to an infection, we cannot undo this, unfortunately. Once the infection has gone, we may be able to help with pain patterns that are based on the body’s attempt to compensate for the damage. But we cannot heal body tissues that have been permanently changed or damaged (whether it is soft tissue or bone tissue).
  4. If a person has changes to their bones which were caused by fractures – acute fractures or old fractures that have healed incorrectly. If there is an acute fracture somewhere in the body, we can oftentimes still treat the person but need to stay clear of the immediate area in question (e.g. a broken arm or leg doesn’t mean we cannot treat the person for back pain). Acute spinal fractures or skull fractures are more complicated and we need to decide on a case by case basis whether we can treat you. We will need to see x-rays or other special imaging in such cases. We cannot speed up the healing process – the body simply needs time to re-grow bone. However, patients with fractures often find that they experience less pain because we change the body mechanics in such a way that the body puts less pressure on the site of the fracture. We stay away from the site of the fracture, yet treatment of the bones around that area means pressure gets distributed differently; less pressure gets put on the injured bone, and the patient often experiences some pain relief from this while the bone heals. Once the fractured bone has healed completely, we can safely treat the immediate area.
  5. If the problem is based on an old fracture that has healed incorrectly, it again depends on a case by case basis how much of a difference we can make. We cannot re-break the bone and align it correctly. But again, if we re-align the bones around that site into better positions, the body may be able to distribute the mechanical load differently, leading to pain relief and improved function of the body overall. In such cases it would again be helpful to see any x-rays or special imaging that may be available.
  6. If a person suffers from changes to the nerves themselves, we won’t be able to help. This would be the case if e.g. a nerve has been severed in an accident, or if a person has problems with their legs or feet which were caused by diabetes. We cannot re-grow or heal injured nerves with what we do. If that same person suffers from other, structurally-related problems, chances are we can address these and improve their quality of life in doing so. But re-grow nerves, we cannot.
  7. If a person has permanent brain damage caused by e.g. a tumour or by brain surgery, or if they are suffering from known brain aneurysms, we cannot help. We cannot undo such damage to the body, and in the case of brain aneurysms the risk factors outweigh the benefits of accepting the person into care.

If you experience any health issues that are not related to any of the above, come and talk to us. We can advise you whether Advanced Biostructural Correction™ can help with your particular health issue.


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