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What is Unwinding?

How does Advanced Biostructural Correction™ work?

Discover the process of Unwinding


In describing ABC™ we explained how bones in the body can go out of alignment, causing the shape of your spine to change. That’s how bad posture gets created! Bad posture means your body is functioning below its optimum level. As this happens, your spinal cord and meninges get twisted up and stretched. You may feel this as pain, dizziness, or fatigue.

Let's recall what the injury process looks like:

Bone moves out of place forward

(creates tension on spinal cord and nerves)

Compensating / twisting to reduce tension

(symptoms show up)

Pulls more bones out of place

(reduces symptoms)

More compensatory twisting

(more / different symptoms show up)

The good news is that Advanced Biostructural Correction™ has found a way to address the underlying problem. First we check to see whether there are any “stuck” points in the meninges. If we find any, we address them. Then we check for bones that are out of place in that forward direction from which your body cannot pull them back by itself. As we find them on a given day, we fix them.

As we do this, you begin the process of Unwinding. This is the unique healing process produced by ABC™. It takes your body back in time, undoing layer upon layer of twisting up. It unwinds your body in 3D and you untwist like a giant spring or a corkscrew. In this way, old injuries get unlocked and finally healed rather than just compensated for.

ABC™ does this to unlock old injuries:

Treatment: releasing tension on spinal cord and correcting forward bones

In between treatments: letting go of compensation pattern 

(body fixing things it can fix by itself)

Next layer of bones out of place forward

(body can’t fix those by itself)

The unwinding process has two main phases: a “backward” phase and a “forward” phase. About 85% of patients start out by entering the “backward phase” first. The structural configuration of your body will be such that tension comes away from your nervous system and pressure comes off of old injury sites.

The second phase is the “forward phase.” This means tension increases in your nervous system; pressure increases at old injury sites, and you feel them again. This phase can be extremely uncomfortable – we can’t lie about this! About 15% of patients begin the process with their bodies unwinding “forward” first.

“Going forward” does not always have to mean pain in the current location, however. Some people report feeling sore, anxious, or depressed. Others feel old symptoms showing up again which they haven’t felt in years. It may feel as if you are never going to get better. Please do not let this phenomenon fool you into thinking you are not improving, or getting worse! It is a normal part of the process, and it is important to continue with your care at this stage. Typically, a “forward unwind” takes between two days and two weeks.

We will get you through this process, cheer you on, and celebrate the milestone of coming out of a “forward unwind” right alongside you! Structurally, your body will continue to improve throughout the process. Throughout treatment, your body will repeat the two phases – going through backwards and forwards unwinds. The reason is that your spine untwists in 3D. Everything has to be aligned “just right” so your body can finally unlock and heal that old injury.

The healing journey consists of a series of forward and backward unwinds, as shown in the graph below.

unwinding graph
  1. Peaks and inclines represent a backward unwind with relatively upright posture and symptom relief.
  2. Your body cannot progress unless it unlocks an old injury. To do so, it needs to unwind in a forward direction. Only by doing this can it reveal the next big thing it needs to correct. This is represented by drop-offs and valleys. This phase is symptomatic. A forward unwind typically lasts from 2 days to 2 weeks.
  3. Typically, a person notices big changes to their posture and symptoms during this initial stage.
  4. Then there is the “boring” phase with a series of small changes. During this phase it may seem as if nothing is happening. Nevertheless, your body is continuously improving in terms of how it works structurally.
  5. As your body stabilises, it has the ability to unwind farther forward in order to heal more significant structural injuries. Note the steeper drop-offs. These are also symptomatic.
  6. Once the significant injuries are healed, the body is able to correct remaining injuries. At this stage, your practitioner will find very few things, if any, to be done when you come in for a visit.

Adaptability is the body’s ability to untwist out of painful configurations. This always improves with time, regardless of your current symptoms. Contact us to schedule a free consultation with one of our practitioners at our Falkirk or Perth offices to see how the Unwinding journey can help heal your body! Back to top

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