Shoulder/Hip Pain
We successfully treat most types of joint pain by addressing the underlying cause.
Back pain in its various forms is probably the most common condition that our patients experience when they first visit our centres. Whether it is located in your upper back, mid-back, or lower back, we will get to the root of it. We will examine your back and find out where the pain is coming from. They key to lasting relief is finding the underlying cause of the pain. Once the cause is corrected, the pain lessens and your quality of life returns.
If you would like direct and clear answers about your specific condition please contact us to set up a discovery call.

These are some of the stories we hear from patients who came in suffering from joint pain.
All you did was reach up / bend down and it started hurting.
That seemingly trivial activity was just the final straw that broke the camel’s back. Your body was already structurally twisted up and mechanically not functioning at its best. A final layer of twisting got added on this particular occasion and your body was no longer able to compensate. That’s when things start to hurt.
I have a new pain in my knee that wasn’t there before. It is very common for pain patterns to shift to different locations in the body over time. All parts of your body are working together as a single unit. If one section goes out of alignment, your body twists up to compensate for it. Basically, your body attempts to take some of the pressure and tension away from that original area. But in doing so, it shifts pressure to a new area. The muscles involved in this become tight and stiff. Your body then wants to provide relief for those muscles. To do this, it has to move the pressure and strain to yet a new area. The “old” area is still as twisted up as before, even though you may not feel it as much anymore.
Advanced Biostructural Correction™ addresses joint pain effectively and delivers very predictable results.