Neck Pain
We have great success treating most types of neck pain by addressing the underlying cause, so please get in touch with us to book your discovery call today.
Various forms of neck pain is one of the most common conditions that our patients experience when they first visit our centre. The key is to correct the underlying cause of your pain. Once the cause is corrected the pain is relieved and your quality of life returns. If you would like direct and clear answers about your specific case please get in touch with us to book your discovery call today.

Correcting the cause of your neck pain is our main goal.
You may feel like most of our patients who come to see us at our Falkirk or Perth centres with some form of neck pain that is limiting their ability to enjoy life to the fullest. Whether it’s gardening or golfing, driving the car or playing with the children, or something as seemingly simple as looking to cross the street, our patients often find themselves unable to do what they want to do. And they’ve tried everything from medication, chiropractic care, acupuncture, traction to massage, before they finally find their way to us at the Pain & Posture Wellness Centre.
Your neck pain may be caused by a misalignment in your feet.
Nothing in the human body is ever “just localised” in one spot. All parts of your body are working together simultaneously, 24/7, to keep you upright and moving. If one part of the “scaffolding” goes squint, the entire frame becomes distorted. This means mechanical load and body weight get distributed differently, and pressure or tension exists in places where there shouldn’t be any. Because of this, pain is usually felt in a different spot from where the original underlying problem is located. Neck pain, in fact, very often has an underlying problem in the feet, ankles, knees, or low back. Once we address this, the neck pain quickly lessens.
All you did was turn to look around and it started hurting?
That seemingly trivial activity was just the final straw that broke the camel’s back. Your body was already structurally twisted up and mechanically not functioning at its best. A final layer of twisting got added on this particular occasion and your body was no longer able to compensate. That’s when things start to hurt.
Do you believe your pain is muscular?
Yes, pain is often muscular in nature. But the muscular pain is a secondary symptom of an underlying structural problem caused by bones in the spine having moved out of position in a “forward” direction. The muscles are simply trying to fix a mechanical problem which they cannot fix because none of them are pulling in quite the right direction to do so. They work overtime, become tight and achy. Stretching out that tight muscle won’t fix the underlying structural problem; it won’t move the bone back into its proper position. Once we do that, the muscles can relax and the pain will lessen. Stretches or exercises usually don’t work very well, precisely because there are no muscles that pull in exactly the right direction to fix those “forward” bones. You can’t stretch or strengthen a muscle that simply doesn’t exist!
Are you 'just getting old'?
What’s really happening: if pain and bad posture were only a sign of old age, we wouldn’t see young people suffering from back/neck pain; nor would we see old people who are fit as a fiddle. At our offices we regularly see people in their teens and twenties whose bodies are “stuck” and not working correctly, causing them a lot of problems. Similarly, we see people in their 80s whose bodies are in good mechanical shape because the underlying structures are working correctly.
Advanced Biostructural Correction™ addresses neck pain very effectively and delivers predictable results.
Why not book a discovery call with one of our practitioners to learn more?