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Dr. Richard Phelps

The year was 1988. I was in 6th grade. My mother and grandfather were in a severe car accident. So severe, that the fire department had to use the ‘jaws of life’ to remove them from the car and  pronounced my mother dead at the scene. Through some miracle, she pulled through, then proceeded to flat line 2 more times. The paramedics and the entire medical profession did a phenomenal job at keeping her alive. For that, I am grateful.

One year later, as she was still bed-riden and had no life or answers, even after seeing specialists from New York to Washington DC, she saw a chiropractor. He did a modified meningeal release (even though, at the time, he didn’t know that’s what he was really doing). And after a couple of adjustments, she started living again. I, as a 12 year old, saw the difference that this chiropractor made in, not only my mother’s life, but the life of the entire family. I told myself, ‘That’s the kind of difference I want to make when I grow up.’ So I set out to become a chiropractor.
As I went through school under regular chiropractic care, my posture became worse and worse. It ended up being so bad, I was teased (I think today, the term would be bullied) throughout high school and college. Even in chiropractic college, being adjusted by someone who is now an internationally renowned teacher, my posture did not improve. 
It was not until I met an old chiropractor in a grocery store who told me he was doing something different and the changes he saw were amazing. I went to his office, he sat me in a chair and gave me an adjustment to which I thought, ‘If I didn’t trust him so much, I would have gotten up and punched him in the face!’ But when I stood up from the chair, I realized that the ‘air was clearer up here!’ As I immediately noticed that I was standing straighter.That is why I started doing Advanced BioStructural Correction myself. It made an immediate positive impact on my body.
Seven years later, that same chiropractor would tell me that he couldn’t, as originally agreed, sell me his clinic, as the crash of 2008 destroyed him financially. This brought me to the UK, where, since 2009 I have worked, managed and owned multiple clinics. I have dedicated my life to learning how to best serve people the best structural healthcare possible to achieve the greatest long-standing and farthest reaching effects. I look forward to serving you.